
VALE - 14th MOBI Intake (Jan'63) Tiffy Stu Copp...
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Author:  Hippy Chippy [ Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  VALE - 14th MOBI Intake (Jan'63) Tiffy Stu Copp...

=; Sad news just posted on the 14th MOBI Intake's Facebook Page, 'mobijan63' 30 mins ago.... :evil3:

Hi Midge

I have just had a message from daughter Karen telling me that Stu Copp passed away this morning (she is friends with Stu's daughter).
I was hoping you could pass it on to others.

I am travelling in Europe (Ukraine today) and do not have the MOBI email list etc. If you are travelling too, do you have Vic Ms email so I can ask him.

Karen said "There were a number of issues following his shoulder operation with his kidneys, a perforated bowel and two clots on his lungs.
They took him in to surgery on Sunday night and he never regained consciousness"

In retirement he spent a quiet life and kept to himself. Harry Yaldren used to catch up with him for coffee and I will email him separately (he is travelling also)


Andy Anderson

:-k I remember Stu well, another MOBI taken before his time... Rest on your oars, Stu, you're journey's done... [-o<

Author:  charliec [ Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VALE - 14th MOBI Intake (Jan'63) Tiffy Stu Copp...

Andy Anderson

Author:  Hippy Chippy [ Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VALE - 14th MOBI Intake (Jan'63) Tiffy Stu Copp...

Thanks Dave, :notworthy: I've now changed Andy (Cole?) to Andy Anderson... :yes:

Author:  charliec [ Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VALE - 14th MOBI Intake (Jan'63) Tiffy Stu Copp...


Author:  charliec [ Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VALE - 14th MOBI Intake (Jan'63) Tiffy Stu Copp...

I spent about 2.5years in the same cabin at Nirimba. Never a dull moment. Lots of stories ! RIP Stu SIE Copp

Author:  Honest Tad [ Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VALE - 14th MOBI Intake (Jan'63) Tiffy Stu Copp...

Remember Stu from Nirimba (Stirling Div, Band).

Taken far too soon. RIP

Author:  Hippy Chippy [ Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VALE - 14th MOBI Intake (Jan'63) Tiffy Stu Copp...

From an e-mail I received today... :evil3:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, 24 July 2017 7:09 PM
To: Bob & Di Mummery
Subject: Stuart Copp

Hi Bob,

Another MOBI has crossed the bar.

Stu Copp (Jan 63 Intake) passed away 24 July during an operation on his shoulder.

He had problems with his kidneys, a perforated bowel and two clots on his lungs, he never woke from the operation.

He was in the band (played trombone) plus played guitar in a band that played at dances in the cinema.

Vic & Margaret Merryweather

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