My divisional PO in Bligh division around 1966 was POME Larry Parkes, a survivor of Voyager
and one of the few divisional staff of the time who treated MOBIs like human beings. Larry
recently succumbed to cancer. I recall nights at the Millers Blacktown
(below, worst beer
ever produced) with Larry and others. A true gentleman, sincere condolences to his family.
Larry is at rear, I am on his right with stupid grin
(non handler in those days),
George Azel at front going to sleep, left foreground is a crusher of ill repute as I recall.
The late Doug Swain on the right. I think it is Brian Clough with a strangle hold on someone
who's name escapes me.
(Nick Tatarinoff?) The chap on the left behind the crusher was a regulating PO I think.