
Edward (Freddie) Foad
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Author:  Seejay [ Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Edward (Freddie) Foad

Sad news has come to me of the passing of Freddie Foad, aged 53, from a heart attack.

Freddie was working up the the Gulf country driving trucks and his truck broke down. He called for assistance, and when the crew arrived, Freddie was curled up under a tree, and had died.

His funeral was held last week in Cairns.

I didn't know Freddie, and the only info I currently have is that he served on Darings in the 70's. I will post more when I have it.

Vale Freddie, may the road always rise up to meet you.

Author:  Bruce D [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:13 am ]
Post subject: 

I knew a Freddie Foad who served on Vampire in 1979, He was a ABMTP at the time and a Thursday Islander, is he the same bloke ?

Bruce D

Author:  Seejay [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for your post, Bruce. The information I've got to date is a bit confused, but I believe you're correct.

John (Shorty) Kormany emailed me last night with similar info.

A sad and lonely way to go, and only 53.

Author:  CharlieS [ Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I served with Freddy when I was a ERA2. I went ashore with him in Brisbane once and he took me to an all Black bar. Every thing was great until late in the night when after being told I was a protected species one angry young buck gave me a ground up haymaker leaving me out cold for about 5 minutes. When I came too, said young buck was spitting teeth and limping badly. Fred said, When I say Proteced, I mean protected. The rest of the night was a real blast with all the girls at the Bar going with us to ....................................................................................................................................... and then we got back on board in time for work.
You can fill in the blank with your own story cause you wont get mine!
He was a great bloke and big too. I always had time for him. Sad to hear of his passing.

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