
LCDR John Stanton
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Author:  BC [ Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  LCDR John Stanton

I had this message passed to me this morning.

Dear All,

I have just been advised that Shipmate John Stanton crossed the bar at Holy Spirit Hospital this afternoon, Saturday, 1 December, 2007.

A marvellous man who has given freely much of his time to the NAA and the ANC. He will be sadly missed.

Our sincere condolences go to Narelle and John’s family.

Funeral details will be advised when known.

They have no grave but the cruel sea

No Flowers lay at their head

A rusting hulk is their tombstone

Afast on the ocean bed.

We Will Remember them - LEST WE FORGET

A wonderful man – John Stanton

Kind regards,

Les Dwyer
National President
Naval Association of Australia

'Each for All' - 'All for Each'

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