
John McIntyre Cera R42072
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Author:  Spud [ Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  John McIntyre Cera R42072

Got this from another site.

This is to advise all old shipmates that Trevor entered Murdoch hospital in Perth last week and has bone and lung cancer. He is now very low. His wife Lee has been in touch constantly with me and he is not expected to last much longer. If any old shipmates of Trevor would like to post a message for his family, my email is karl.walsh@bigpond.com Cheers
Cliffy Walsh

It is with sadness that I announce the passsing of our shipmate Trevor who crossed the Bar at 0928WDST 9/3/08 in Murdoch hospital, Perth WA. Trevor was diagnosed with bone cancer and lung cancer on the 22/2/08.
Lest We Forget

Cliffy Walsh

Trevor is off to his last Engine Room, Vale.

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