
Brian George Dedman ex POME/POMTP3* R64680
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Author:  Spud [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Brian George Dedman ex POME/POMTP3* R64680

From the stokers web site Brian Passed away on the 16/11/2008 from Asbestosis.

I knew Brian when I first joined Melbourne. I was his sprayer punched, then his evapee in the FWD machinary space. Then when I left the navy my first job was at the power station at Gove where I come across Brian again. I worked on the same shift with Brian as one of his supervisors.

Brian was a person I made friends with both professionally and social. He was easy to get along with. I learnt a lot of my basic boiler operating skills from Brian while in the mob and then again at Gove where he got me up to speed with their procedues.

Vale Brian, your suffering is over, the holy boilers now has another top operator. So when my time comes you can get me up to speed again like you have done before.

RIP Brian

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