This was posted under the more 'general' topic of "A Farewell to those with whom we served...", whereas we
like to dedicate an individual topic to farewell ex-Naval Apprentices as RAN Skilled Hands is their website...
Peter Weyling wrote:
I read in one of the recent newspapers that Kevin Fanker had passed away. Kev was an early Tiffy I think wasn't he???
The post had initially escaped my notice, however I then received the following from 1st MOBI Intake's 'TOM SHAW ....MOBI 17' tonight...
Hi Rick
I sent an email to your Skilled Hands website last week to inform you of the passing of
Kevin Fanker in Tamworth on the 6th of April after a long illness.
It was probably due to my limited computer skills,however you don't seem to have received it as I am sure you would have posted something by now.
Kev was a member of the second intake into Nirimba. He was a fine sportsman, he was top apprentice of Jan '57 entry on passing out in 1960.
Kev was also a
Voyager survivor and served on
Hobart as
CERA on her second tour to
He was promoted to the
SD list and served until 1976.
My wife Sue and I attended
Kevs funeral in Tamworth with two of
Kev's term mates in
Joe Manton andJ
Jock Schofield with his wife Mary.
Phone:02 95239618
Mobile:0407 246859
VALE Kevin, rest on your oars, your voyage is done... 

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane