
VALE - Greg Carroll R43558 - 24th MOBI Intake ERA Jan.‘68
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Author:  Cliff Hobson [ Tue May 14, 2013 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  VALE - Greg Carroll R43558 - 24th MOBI Intake ERA Jan.‘68

I am sad to relay the message received from Greg's wife Elizabeth that Greg succumbed to renal cancer on Saturday night after a 5 year battle.

Greg joined with me in January 1968 and will be fondly remembered.

The funeral will be held at 1400 on Friday 17th May at St Barnabas Anglican Church, Orange, N.S.W.

Elizabeth has requested no flowers. A gift to the Cancer Council for Kidney Cancer Research would be appreciated.

Smooth seas and following winds Chim.

Author:  BC [ Wed May 15, 2013 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Another young MOBI taken in his prime.

RIP Greg.

Author:  Robert W Moult [ Wed May 15, 2013 10:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Too many of us popping off in our 60's when our families expect us to be there for them.

Author:  Cliff Hobson [ Mon May 20, 2013 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Greg Carroll's Funeral

On Friday 17th May, Peter Hale, Phil Croese and myself attended a rememberance service for Greg in Orange which followed a private cremation. Also at the service was Tony Fletcher, a Chippy who was 18mths ahead of us at Boys Town.

The church was almost full which was understandable given Greg's standing within the Parish as a member of the Parish Council, and in TAFE where he was Head of Engineering. Many of his fellow teachers and some past students also attended.

Author:  Hippy Chippy [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

:cry: The same sad news was forwarded to me yesterday, from Kerry Kerr, Webmaster, 'The Stokers' Website',
and fellow MOBI Tiffy, Bob Mummery...

G'day Rick,
If you have a dob & official number could you please send it to me so I can put it on the Last Watchbill?

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Bob Mummery"
Date: 31 May 2013 5:34:28 PM AEST
To: Undisclosed Recipients

Please be advised that former ERA Greg Carroll (NIRIMBA January 1968 entry) passed away on the
11th of May from secondary kidney cancer.

I did not know Greg in the service but met him and his wife Elizabeth whilst we were holidaying in

He had left the RAN after his first engagement and became a TAFE instructor until retirement.

A very interesting and likeable person and a sad loss to Elizabeth and family.

Yours aye

Bob Mummery

:-k Greg was a 24th MOBI Intake ERAA who joined RANATE in January 1968... :3some:

[-( As mentioned earlier, another MOBI taken far too young... #-o

=; VALE Greg, rest on your oars, your journey's done...

Author:  Cliff Hobson [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  ERA Greg Carroll

Gregory Peter Carroll was born on 14th July 1951 and passed away on 11th May 2013 in Orange N.S.W.

Author:  Ken Manning [ Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Del and I knew Greg and Elizabeth when we lived in Sydney many moons ago Greg was good bloke. Our thoughts are with Elizabeth and family.

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