
RAN Skilled Hands Members' Memorial Wall
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Author:  Hippy Chippy [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  RAN Skilled Hands Members' Memorial Wall

Rememberance of RAN Skilled Hands Members...

In an effort to rationalise the many topics in this Forum, we would like to add a single perpetual post to recognise RAN Skilled Hands Members who have 'passed over the bar'...

Over coming days/ weeks, we will be going through 'A Farewell to those with whom we served...' Topic to sort out those who were RAN Skilled Hands Members to add to the post below...

The topic/ post below is locked and the entries will be added by the Admin Team. This will not affect the posting rules for the other Posts and Topics in this Forum...

Author:  Hippy Chippy [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In Memorium


[-o< VALE: Ex-POMTP Steve Hill - 'windy' - ........................................... - 24/01/2005

[-o< VALE: Ex-LCDR Bruce T. Swain - 'Delta' - ....................................... - 29/09/2006

[-o< VALE: Ex-WOETW Kevin Bidgood - ................................................ - 11/05/2007

[-o< VALE: Ex-WOMTH Don Cuthbertson - 'Don Cuthbertson' - (68) - ........... - 04/06/2007

[-o< VALE: Ex-CPORP Pete 'Lumpy' Cottam- 'Pete Cottam' - (63) - ............. - 16/08/2008

[-o< VALE: Ex-CPOMTH3 Gary 'Tassie' Coulson - 'tassiec' - (62) - ............... - 10/02/2010

[-o< VALE: Ex-WOETP Donald (tug) Wilson - 'oldwo' - .............................. - 21/12/2010

[-o< VALE: Ex-CMDR James Hume - 'James Hume' - ................................. - 30/11/2011

[-o< VALE: Ex-CERA RN Les Darley - 'Les D' - ......................................... - 23/01/2012

[-o< VALE: Ex-POETP3* Peter Maher - 'Steelcat41' - ............................... - 29/06/2012

[-o< VALE: Ex-LCDRME Dave Twiss - 'choofa' - ....................................... - 28/07/2012

[-o< VALE: Ex-CPOMTH Nils 'Bobo' Blyth - 'Nils Blyth' - ............................ - 29/08/2012

[-o< VALE: Ex-WOETP Nigel Baird-Orr - 'Mobi524' - ................................. - 03/10/2012

[-o< VALE: Ex-CMDR WEEO Tony Hughes - ............................................. - 25/02/2013

[-o< VALE: Ex-LCDR PTI Jesse James - ................................................. - 30/03/2013

[-o< VALE: Ex-CPOMTP3 Greg Carroll - 'gcarroll' - .................................. - 11/05/2013

[-o< VALE: Ex-WOMTH Ken Cook - ...................................................... - 18/10/2013

[-o< VALE: Ex-LSMTPD3 Geoff 'Flash' Jordan- 'xnavyman' - ...................... - 03/11/2013

[-o< VALE: Ex-WOMTP5 Ian 'Mac' McGrigor - 'Ian McGrigor' - .................... - 31/10/2013

[-o< VALE: Ex-CPOMTH3 Gordon 'Gordo' Barrington - 'Gordoni' - ............... - 03/12/2013

[-o< VALE: Ex-CPOMTH3 Alan Asplin - ................................................. - 04/09/2016


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