
Vale Malcolm " Bondy" Bond R105420
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Author:  topjars [ Sat Apr 24, 2021 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Vale Malcolm " Bondy" Bond R105420

Malcolm, President of the Port Pirie RSL Sub Branch, passed away at home this morning.
23 May 1950 - 24 April 2021
Lest We Forget

Author:  BC [ Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vale Malcolm " Bondy" Bond R105420

Sad news Fraddy. I did know "Bondy", still an emotional loss at this time, for not just family & friends, but colleagues as well.

RIP Malcolm :salute1:

Author:  topjars [ Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vale Malcolm " Bondy" Bond R105420

I had a premonition of sorts x 3.
I’d rang him that morning...no answer.
Thought he may have fallen from the perch.
Woke at 5:06 this morning with the loudest ‘crack’ you know the noise you get with something expanding? Frightened shit out of me!! Had the alarm set got 5:15.
Bonds telling me to wake up?
Went to Dawn Service...came home and found a crucifix and chain hanging on the wall outside the back door...dunno where it came from...nor did Debbie.
Maybe Im reading into it too much but for fark sake :omg1: ph

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