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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:16 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:09 am
Posts: 4548
City or Town: Lake Munmorah
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............................................... Image HMAS NIRIMBA – The Apprentices' Story Image

I wish to invite you to contribute an article for the book ‘HMAS Nirimba – The Apprentices’ Story'. The book, to be published in 2015, will be the story of apprentices at the Royal
Australian Navy Apprentice Training Establishment from the first intake in June 1956 until July 1972 when training changed with the introduction of SAILSTRUC training into the RAN.

The book is being compiled by Dick Roebuck - Editor, Brian Carney – Photos and Graphics, and Sandy Freeleagus - Artist and Caricaturist.

All past apprentices up to the July 1972 intake are invited to contribute an article. The topic is to be of your choosing and one that might be considered to be topical, and reflect the
manner in which RAN apprentices existed at HMAS Nirimba. Articles might be humorous; sombre; unbelievable; sporting, academic, technical achievements or even bragging. Some
may wish to describe loneliness, happiness, relationships, unsavoury events, discipline or just the routine to which they became accustomed. Others may reflect on how they were
treated, or how they treated others. The list is endless and hopefully will engage the writer’s imagination and of course, memory. You are welcome to contribute more than one article,
and we hope to have at least five articles from each intake.

Duplications of any storyline unless containing a new idea or salient information expanding on the original contribution will not necessarily be included. In this case, the contributing author
will be asked to provide an article on a different topic. There are only so many ways we can describe breaking into the Scran Hall!!

A preferred layout is described later and by adhering to this layout you will greatly assist the Editorial team. We do advise that material deemed offensive or defamatory will be returned
to the contributor for a re-write. The Editorial Team reserves the right to exclude any item deemed unsuitable. Swearing needs to be the rare exception, rather than the rule. We
understand this might be difficult for some however, the publication is intended as a family collectable and needs to be suitable for all ages.

Copyright will remain with the Orbost RSL sub Branch however, each contributor will be acknowledged as the author of their respective article. The finished book will be about 200 pages
in length and be published. It will also have an ISBN.

If you would like to contribute an item for HMAS Nirimba – The Apprentices’ Story please see the attached .doc Guidelines for Contributors for further information.

Commander Lindsay Wilson in his “Skilled Hands at Sea” wrote:
“What a huge and wonderful story it would be if we were able to chronicle the personal stories of all the members of the family of HMAS NIRIMBA over 26 years. ……”
Well, this book will in part fulfil that wish, and we will sample the era with real stories told by real apprentices who were actually there at the time.

Dick Roebuck
:mobile: 0402 986 109

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

HMAS Nirimba – The Apprentices’ Story

Guidelines for Contributors. :evil3:

1. The article should be an interesting story or account about an event that took place during your time as an apprentice at HMAS Nirimba

2. Format the article with single line spacing, 12 point, in Times New Roman or Palatino Linotype.

3. Limit the article to about 1000 words, and include a picture or photograph if possible.

4. In your item, please provide an introduction, body and conclusion. This will make your story stand alone and easier to insert in the book.

5. Please write in the ‘past tense’ if possible. This gives the book continuity and saves a lot of editing.

6. Spell check your work and double check the spelling of names and places.

7. Swearing needs to be the rare exception, rather than the rule.

8. For legal reasons, no defamatory articles will be accepted.

9. Articles need to be with the Editor on or before Friday 7th August 2015.

10. Send completed articles, with photos or illustrations to the following address:

The Editor
HMAS Nirimba – The Apprentices’ Story
PO Box 321

Articles without photos or illustrations can be emailed to :

For the General Section of the book, we are also looking for any reproduction quality drawings, manuals or other printed material that might
be useful e.g. Debutant Ball programs, Passing Out Ball pics, Sporting programs & pics, Daily Orders, Examination papers, Standing Orders etc.

Please let the Editor know if you have memorabilia you consider useful to contribute.

Initial contact can be made by email :type: or :phone 2: 03 5154 1413 or :phone: 0402 986 109.

All photographs and written memorabilia will be returned to the owner. Please supply a return postal address.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

:evil3: Webmaster's Footnote:
Dickie has informed me that this is a not-for-profit project, and all monies raised will be given to The MOBI Yacht 'Nirimba' Maintenance Fund,
so as President of TMYNA, I can only add my personal endorsement of the project and thank Dickie, Brian and Sandy for their generosity... H.C.

...................... Image

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 3:03 pm 
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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:32 pm
Posts: 5
City or Town: Orbost
State: Vic 3888
Just a reminder to get your stories in soon. We have a good cross section of yarns to date and are confident that this will make a really good read. See the earlier post for details.
Dickie Roebuck

Dick Roebuck
22nd MOBI Intake
Jan'67 to Aug'78
Nirimba, Penguin CDT U/T, Anzac, Onslow, Duchess, Vampire, Penguin DTVs, Kuttabul FMP, Kimbla & Melbourne.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:56 pm 

How's this book going? Supposed to be published in 2015 ........ ready in time for chrissie???????? :dontknow: The MYN Maintenance Fund will be able to use the $$$$$$$.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:41 pm 
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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:32 pm
Posts: 5
City or Town: Orbost
State: Vic 3888
Please hurry up and get your stories in. we are still 'light on' and need more articles.
Every ex MOBI has a story about Nirimba - we just want to include yours in this book.

Hear from you soon.

Dick Roebuck
22nd MOBI Intake
Jan'67 to Aug'78
Nirimba, Penguin CDT U/T, Anzac, Onslow, Duchess, Vampire, Penguin DTVs, Kuttabul FMP, Kimbla & Melbourne.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:25 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:09 am
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Tonight I received the following from our good mate Peter Hibbert... :evil3:

I am forwarding this letter of invitation from Dick Roebuck (1967 Intake), to try and help re-kick-start his efforts to produce a book on the life and times of Nirimba in the days of the MOBI. I first became aware of his invitation in the early part of 2015 and assumed that everyone had been made aware of it, but in a recent phone call to him I discovered that the response from the MOBI population was, to say the least, dismal. He had discovered also that many of the organisations he had approached had, for whatever reason, not advertised the invitation to their MOBI members. I didn't mention it at our re-union because I figured that as the cut-off date had passed it would serve no purpose. Anyway, he still intends to produce the book sometime in the future if he gets enough ditties. So far he only has about 60 replies (or stories) but needs about 300 to make it happen. So please read his invitation below and see what you can contribute. And pass this email on to MOBIs of all intakes that you know so the word will get out. Peter Hibbert

Invitation to write- from Dick Roebuck

............................................... Image HMAS NIRIMBA – The Apprentices' Story Image

I wish to invite you to contribute an article for the book ‘HMAS Nirimba – The Apprentices’ Story. The book, to be published in 2015, will be the story of apprentices at the Royal Australian Navy Apprentice Training Establishment from the first intake in June 1956 until July 1972 when training changed with the introduction of SAILSTRUC training into the RAN.

The book is being compiled by Dick Roebuck - Editor, Brian Carney – Photos and Graphics, and Sandy Freeleagus - Artist and Caricaturist.

All past apprentices up to the July 1972 intake are invited to contribute an article. The topic is to be of your choosing and one that might be considered to be topical, and reflect the manner in which RAN apprentices existed at HMAS Nirimba. Articles might be humorous; sombre; unbelievable; sporting, academic, technical achievements or even bragging. Some may wish to describe loneliness, happiness, relationships, unsavoury events, discipline or just the routine to which they became accustomed. Others may reflect on how they were treated, or how they treated others. The list is endless and hopefully will engage the writer’s imagination and of course, memory. You are welcome to contribute more than one article, and we hope to have at least five articles from each intake.

Duplications of any storyline unless containing a new idea or salient information expanding on the original contribution will not necessarily be included. In this case, the contributing author will be asked to provide an article on a different topic. There are only so many ways we can describe breaking into the Scran Hall!!

A preferred layout is described later and by adhering to this layout you will greatly assist the Editorial team. We do advise that material deemed offensive or defamatory will be returned to the contributor for a re-write. The Editorial Team reserves the right to exclude any item deemed unsuitable. Swearing needs to be the rare exception, rather than the rule. We understand this might be difficult for some however, the publication is intended as a family collectable and needs to be suitable for all ages.

Copyright will remain with the Orbost RSL sub Branch however, each contributor will be acknowledged as the author of their respective article. The finished book will be about 200 pages in length and be published. It will also have an ISBN.

If you would like to contribute an item for HMAS Nirimba – The Apprentices’ Story please see the attached .doc Guidelines for Contributors for further information.

Commander Lindsay Wilson in his “Skilled Hands at Sea” wrote:
“What a huge and wonderful story it would be if we were able to chronicle the personal stories of all the members of the family of HMAS NIRIMBA over 26 years. ……”

Well, this book will in part fulfil that wish, and we will sample the era with real stories told by real apprentices who were actually there at the time.

Dick Roebuck
:mobile: 0402 986 109

HMAS Nirimba – The Apprentices’ Story
Guidelines for Contributors.
1. The article should be an interesting story or account about an event that took place during your time as an apprentice at HMAS Nirimba
1. Format the article with single line spacing, 12 point, in Times New Roman or Palatino Linotype.
3. Limit the article to about 1000 words, and include a picture or photograph if possible.
4. In your item, please provide an introduction, body and conclusion. This will make your story stand alone and easier to insert in the book.
5. Please write in the ‘past tense’ if possible. This gives the book continuity and saves a lot of editing.
6. Spell check your work and double check the spelling of names and places.
7. Swearing needs to be the rare exception, rather than the rule.
8. For legal reasons, no defamatory articles will be accepted.
9. Articles need to be with the Editor on or before Friday 7th August 2015.
10. Send completed articles, with photos or illustrations to the following address:
The Editor
HMAS Nirimba – The Apprentices’ Story

PO Box 321

Articles without photos or illustrations can be emailed to :

For the General Section of the book, we are also looking for any reproduction quality drawings, manuals or other printed material that might be useful e.g. Debutant Ball programs, Passing Out Ball pics, Sporting programs & pics, Daily Orders, Examination papers, Standing Orders etc. Please let the Editor know if you have memorabilia you consider useful to contribute.
Initial contact can be made by email :type: or :phone 2: 03 5154 1413 or :mobile: 0402 986 109.

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:05 pm 
Div. Officer
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Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2003 6:52 am
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State: NSW

Over the past 10 years, I have attended numerous reunions involving MOBIs. There has also been smaller unofficial gatherings and lots of one-on-one meetings as well.

Apart from general fleet warries, I can guarantee, at every one of those meetings, there has been one or more dits about NIRIMBA!

I know it’s not easy to put a story into a text format, as sometimes, it has to be “told” to get the right “vibe” and full effect/understanding.

If there are blokes who would find it difficult putting pen to paper. Then how about a option of doing a voice recording. Most blokes now have a smartphone or tablet that will have that capability.

Try recording your story. You can do it just by yourself, or maybe tell the dit to a son, grandkids etc. Then someone might convert it to text or even send the audio file straight to Dick Roebuck.

There’s got to be plenty of blokes that have interesting events that they’d like to pass on. Maybe a special achievement, a funny event, outsmarting the authorities, a smoky, paybacks, entrepreneurial enterprises, ingenuity, resilience or just something that always makes you laugh etc.


I have read the HMS Caledonia book about RN apprentices. It is a brilliant read and Dick is trying to replicate a format about us MOBIs.

It doesn’t have to be a huge story, ½ - 1 page should be all that is needed. I'm no expert, but here are a few simple pointers for the layman. Start off with the facts, then the who/where/why etc. Then you fill in the gaps to accentuate your or others feelings about the situation and/or what was making the event so good/bad etc!

Sandy Freeleagus and Peter Weyling have both written their own books about their experiences at Nirimba. Here’s a chance for others to also contribute to the MOBI Story.

So, I’ve sent mine in, what about you? :roll:

Brian Carney
22nd Mobi Intake
Jan 67 - Jan 89
RANATE, Sydney, Swan, Creswell, Stalwart (FMU), Cerberus, Derwent, Nirimba, Parramatta, Nirimba, FHQ (FMMO).


PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:45 pm 

Be careful about using "names"....... get agreement first if possible. The use of "names" in ditties can sometimes lead to legal challenges. Nasty stuff!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:52 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:09 am
Posts: 4548
City or Town: Lake Munmorah
State: NSW
Yes, particularly if the dit denigrates the party/ parties involved... :rtfm1:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

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