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PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:49 pm 
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:3some: Members have undoubtably noticed the recent, somewhat chaotic introduction of Windows 10 and those who have already upgraded their PC's O/S to Windows 10 will no doubt be using
Mocrosoft's new browser, the Edge.

What may have escaped Members' notice was another event, not quite as profound, perhaps, but it will have an impact on Members who regularly use our [YouTube] ~ [/YouTube] player to embed
YouTube videos into their posts.

On the 4th August, just 4 days ago, YouTube made some dramatic changes to the way their videos play with their universal move to the new HTML5 codecs. By all accounts this hasn't been a popular
move, if you can believe the :type: massive :omg1: amount of negative :violent1: feedback :evil3: they're currently experiencing...

This means that our regular YouTube posters will discover that it's pretty near impossible to post YouTube videos using our YouTube player, if they're using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, the Edge,
Google Chrome, Apple's Safari, Opera, or any other browser... #-o ...any other browser, that is, EXCEPT Mozilla Firefox..! :omg1:

:yes: Only Mozilla Firefox will allow you to right :type: click on the video in play, then by clicking on the top item 'Copy video URL' it will pick up the URL to post between the [YouTube] ~ [/YouTube]
brackets in our player...!

We can't blame Microsoft's Windows 10/ the Edge for this one, the 'fault' clearly lies with YouTube...

But anyway, until the phpBB :glasses8: gurus (who invented our YouTube Player :notworthy: ,) come up with a new one that will play ALL YouTube videos in ALL browsers, can I suggest that if you'd like to post a
YouTube video
, that you do it via a Mozilla Firefox browser... :finga:

=; BTW, once your YouTube video has been successfully posted using Mozilla Firefox, :yea: it can be viewed in ANY browser..! :bob light: Go figure...!!! :roll:

For non-techies interested in HTML5... (Video posted via Mozilla Firefox..!) :yess:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:31 pm 
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BTW, if you're not seeing this :down: across the top of the Forums column, you may need to hit 'Refresh' :bob dark:

Image :jerk:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:57 am 
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=; If your name is 'Micheal Weeks', and you recently attempted to e-mail me an Interfax Online with the subject line of: 'You have 1 new fax,
document 0000152140'
, with a zipped attachment 'scanned_0000152140', please be aware that, a., as I haven't heard of/ used Interfax Online,
and b., as I don't immediately recall anybody with the name of 'Michael Weeks', I have deleted your e-mail without opening it... :evil3:


If, by chance, there is a well-intentioned person out there by the name of 'Micheal Weeks', who is desirous of sending me something that they feel is
worthy of inclusion on our website, then clearly, as you have an e-mail, re-send your document/ picture again, this time as an attachment, either as a
.jpeg or a .pdf, with a subject line describing it, and a few lines telling me what it is you'd like be to do with it, and/ or where you'd like me to post it...

Oh, and BTW, you might also use a different e-mail address as I've added yours to my 'BLOCKED' list... :evil3: :lol1:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:06 pm 
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Back to the basics... :down:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:06 pm 
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......................................... :bob light: If our Australia Day Animated Banner :aust: is still showing on our Forum Index Page... :down:

...go to the page, right click anywhere and hit 'Refresh'... that'll bring our famous Animated DDG Banner :down: back... :captain: Um... O.K., :roll: so the Depth Charge is now a Torpedo...! :oopssign:


Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:42 pm 
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..................................................................... For those of you into serious model making, :laughing3: HMAS SYDNEY III.

=; For those of us who normally use Internet Explorer 11, you’ll notice, (as I did,) that due to changes that Google has made to YouTube, #-o our embedded YouTube Player
no longer displays (albeit, hopefully only temporarily,) in Explorer 11.

I was somewhat confused at first, :omg1: that no other Members had drawn our attention to the problem, with Pony, Shep and Stroppy Chippie all posting comments after SeeJay
posted the YouTube video clip on the HMAS Sydney model (above) last week… Yet this :down: is all I could see using Internet Explorer 11...! :bugger:


Ordinarily, Ned and Ellen tackle any of our coding issues, they are the acknowledged experts in this area, but I have also learned not to bother them with issues I experience
until I’ve eliminated all possibilities of a solution at my end first… :roll:

Initially, as neither Ned, (who uses Firefox,) nor SeeJay (who uses Safari on his Mac,) found a problem, (nor Pony, Shep, or Stroppy Chippie,) I thought it had to be me/my
PC, so I decided that I’d uninstall/ reinstall all 4 of my common browsers to see if that would fix the problem, then only later, Ned mentioned he couldn’t see videos posted
in Internet Explorer either
, indicating a YouTube/ browser-specific issue…

By this time though, I’d uninstalled Version 60.0.3112.113, then reinstalled Version 61.0.3163.100 of Google Chrome and I could then see/ play YouTube videos, but only
within the player
, it wouldn’t and still won’t expand to ‘Full Screen’

I’d also uninstalled Version 55.0.3 (x86 en-US) then reinstalled the same Version 55.0.3 (x86 en-US) of Mozilla Firefox, and was still getting a YouTube frame blacked-out
with an HTML5 message
as before (see below,) and it still wouldn’t play…


…but =; then I went into ‘Open Menu’, (three horizontal lines top right of the browser,) and hit ‘Add-Ons’ and ‘DISABLED’ Flash Player for YouTube… BINGO, I can now see/
play the YouTube video
and it will expand into ‘Full Screen’, (although initially, the YouTube Control Panel was hidden behind my Windows Task Bar, so to exit the ‘Full
and return to the YouTube Player, I had to double-click on the video… :roll: However, that’s now resolved itself…!)

I’ve not yet uninstalled/ reinstalled Internet Explorer 11, Version 11.608.15063.0, not sure it can be done, but I’ll keep looking…

I’ve not been able to find out how to uninstall/ reinstall Microsoft Edge, (it won’t load on my PC anyway,) with most saying it can’t be done, while those who reckon it can be
done, are posting solutions requiring a Masters in IT…! :evil3: Anyway… :dontknow:

In summary, a modification by YouTube has created a problem on phpBB websites using Internet Explorer 11, so it’s not simply a browser issue. I’ve also remembered back
to August last year time when basically the same thing happened... YouTube caved in after a few weeks (and no doubt millions of complaints,) and they mysteriously fixed it
before Ned and Ellen got to it… Hopefully they will do so again…

Effectively, the embedded YouTube Player we use on RAN Skilled Hands is the product of an enthusiastic team of phpBB open-source developers, as is phpBB itself, so not
quite in the same league as Microsoft, (IE/ Edge,) or Google (Chrome/ YouTube,) but with enough complaints from the HUGE phpBB User Community, I’m hoping that either
Google developers will revisit their latest YouTube modification, or the phpBB User Group will come up with a new mod/ new plug-in that will work in Internet Explorer 11
because I’m sure Microsoft won’t be doing anything about it anytime soon… [-(

If the phpBB User Group do come up with a new YouTube Player that will work on Internet Explorer 11, I’m concerned that such a modification will be designed to only work
in the latest version 3.2.xx of phpBB, whereas RAN Skilled Hands is still on v 3.0.11 (with 3.0.14 available,) but we'll cross that bridge if/ when we need to... :-k

In the meantime, I’ll probably follow Ned’s lead and (albeit, reluctantly,) :roll: move over to Mozilla Firefox, while awaiting a ‘fix’…

P.S. A great suggestion from BC, :ok: which makes sense, is that until we find a solution, those of you who already know how to post a YouTube Video using our YouTube Player
continue to do so, but underneath the YouTube Player, also post the YouTube URL, that way even 'glued-on' Internet Explorer 11 users can click on the URL :type: and access
the video on YouTube itself
, thereby not missing out on anything... :yess:

P.P.S. If you’re experimenting with browser add-ons/ extensions yourself and find a solution, let us know, we'll be happy to hail you as a :prayer: BONAFIDE :medal: HERO...! :notworthy:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:15 pm 
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Well done Rick. :ok:

Brian Carney
22nd Mobi Intake
Jan 67 - Jan 89
RANATE, Sydney, Swan, Creswell, Stalwart (FMU), Cerberus, Derwent, Nirimba, Parramatta, Nirimba, FHQ (FMMO).


PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:22 pm 
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Thanks BC... :yes:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:36 pm 
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BZ Rick. I haven't used IE or Edge for years so didn't have any issues. Good work around on your behalf.

Mike (Pony) Moore
16th MOBI intake
Jan 64 - Jul 88.
Anzac, Nirimba, Stalwart, Moresby, Creswell, Waterhen, Penguin, Vampire, GMGID (PJP), Coonawarra, Attack, Ardent, Cook, Kuttabull, Cerberus.

May your walls know joy; May every room hold laughter and every window open to great possibility.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:51 am 
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Good boy Tricky, I have no idea about that stuff. You saved me heaps of frustration. :yea: :heart:


John Kelly (WEBMASTER)
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'83
Nirimba x3 - Rushcutter - Sydney x2 (Carrier) - Melbourne (Carrier) - Penguin - Kuttabul - Creswell x3 - Stalwart x2 - Brisbane.

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