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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 9:31 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:09 am
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City or Town: Lake Munmorah
State: NSW
Well, I'm off to join 'The :3some: Troops', stay posted for a full photo report (in due course..!) :partyman:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:02 am 
Div. Officer
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Joined: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:51 pm
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At least try and maintain some level of decorum today you Rocks Runners.
Enjoy. I had a ball last year

Graeme 'Smiley' Rhodes
Jan'65 Leeuwin Intake (10th) - Jan'66 Nirimba Intake (20th)
Jan'65 to Mar '88
Leeuwin, Nirimba, Stalwart, Samarai, Lae, Penguin, Curlew, Buccaneer, Navy Office, Barbette, Cairns, RANTTU (based in Port Moresby), Stirling, Bunbury.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:58 pm 
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State: NSW
And you were conspicuous by your absence Smiley...! [-X

Well I'm back home, but too pissed to post, :rolleyes: so you'll all have to wait until tomorrow for the full report... :evil3:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:14 pm 
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I just got home to Newcastle off the train My dear wife picked me up because she loves me and I dont blame her. God shes a treasure. What a great day down in Sydney town with all the reprobates. top time and had a ball. If you wernt ther then you missed out. Tuff. be there next time

Brian Staples (Charlie)
23rd MOBI Intake
Jul 67 to 76
Nirimba, Sydney, Torrens, Paramatta, Kuttabul
Merchant- MV Howard Smith, MV SilverHawk
Vales Point Power Station, Eraring Power Station, Retired ill health.
Now???? Living it up in retirement.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:54 am 
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Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:53 am
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City or Town: Sheidow Park
State: SA
Look forward to seeing all the incriminating many are in need of bail this morning...?? :-k

I'm sure Ned and Seejay would have got well and truly in the sh*t without me there to keep them on the straight and narrow.... :finga:'re home already???? :shock: :shock: :shock:

What's a pissy run coming to.... :dontknow: :dontknow:

I'll definitely have to come up next year and bring back the couth and decorum that was obviously missing this year... #-o #-o :supz: :supz: :upy:

Robin (Bob) King
25th MOBI Intake
July 68 - June 88
Nirimba, Waratah (Dam Neck), Brisbane, Waratah (Mare Is & LBNSY), Harman (CDSC), Waratah (Mare Is), Brisbane, Harman (Navy Office & CDSC), Waratah (Dam Neck & Mare Is), Harman (CDSC)

Wisdom comes with age, sometimes age comes alone.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:44 am 
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State: NSW
CharlieS wrote:
I just got home to Newcastle off the train My dear wife picked me up because she loves me and I dont blame her. God shes a treasure. What a great day down in Sydney town with all the reprobates. top time and had a ball. If you wernt ther then you missed out. Tuff. be there next time

With the condition /charlie was in, we were taking bets on whether he would sleep past his stop and end up (again) in Maitland.
We are surprised Charlie. Did the alarm on your phone go off?

Good day was had by all. Very enjoyable but marred for us by Sandy taking a tumble on the concrete gutter just out of the Jackson by slipping on a food scrap and is now bruised and sore. Shook her up quite a bit which was not helped by asking how the fall looked. (Trust a woman to be more concerned about looks than damage). Ned advised that she went down like a sack of s**t and I suggest that she looked like an old lady taking a tumble. Didn't talk to either of us for a couple of pubs.
She is still sore and stiff this morning and taking things easy. At least she is talking to me again.

See you again next year, mates.

Gordon Robertson
15th MOBI Intake
July63 to March74
Nirimba, Sydney III, Collingwood(UK), WSTG(UK), Lonsdale, Swan, Cerberus, Kuttabul, Harman, Kuttabul(RANTAU)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:03 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:23 am
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State: Victoria
Glad to hear Sandy is on the mend, Gordon.

Once again an enjoyable day was had by all, it was good to catch up with everyone again.

Glad to see Charlie made it home safely.

My flight home was quiet and enjoyable with a glass or two of Qantas "special vintage red" with dinner and my good wife was at the airport to ensure I got home in one piece.

Hope I can make it again next year.

Mike (Pony) Moore
16th MOBI intake
Jan 64 - Jul 88.
Anzac, Nirimba, Stalwart, Moresby, Creswell, Waterhen, Penguin, Vampire, GMGID (PJP), Coonawarra, Attack, Ardent, Cook, Kuttabull, Cerberus.

May your walls know joy; May every room hold laughter and every window open to great possibility.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:28 pm 
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Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:09 am
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City or Town: Lake Munmorah
State: NSW
Glad to hear everybody got home O.K., :roll: Must admit I was a bit worried about a
couple of you, but again, you've proved you're all still '19 and bullet-proof'...!!! :lol:

:-k I decided on a slight 'departure from tradition' this year, opting for individual
mug shots
(for a project I have underway for our 15 participants,) while everybody
was still 'fairly tidy'... :lol: :type: Click on 'the usual :pirate: suspects' for a BLOW UP...! :shock:

:type: Image
............ John 'Chippy Ned' Kelly

:type: Image
............Ellen Kelly

:type: Image
............Gordon 'Gordo' Robertson

:type: Image
............Sandy Robertson

:type: Image
............Brian 'Stoppie Chippy' Mackenzie

:type: Image
............Verna Mackenzie

:type: Image
............Chris 'Seejay' O'Keefe

:type: Image
............Steve 'Shep' Shepherd

:type: Image
............Mike 'Pony' Moore

:type: Image
............Pete Weyling

:type: Image
............Howie 'Hendo' Henderson

:type: Image
............Mark 'Mobes' Mobley

:type: Image
............Col 'Pussasan' Kelson

:type: Image
............Rick 'Hippy Chippy' Pengilly

:type: Image
............Brian 'Charlie' Staples
:thumbright: Who, when assembled for the traditional 'Group :3some: Shot' in the shadow
of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, make up the participants in our 2012 (10th)
Annual RAN Skilled Hands Sydney Rocks Xmas Pub Crawl Smokey
... :partyman:

:type: Image

And how's that genuine (and obviously treasured,) HMAS Nirimba 'Hoodie'...!!! :shock:

:type: Image :notworthy:

Happy to post the best of the 'happy snaps' taken by others on the day,
just e-mail them to me and I'll upload them for you... :thumbright:

P.S. The pics of the very photogenic bunch above were all reduced to our
normal 950 pixel wide site restrictions, (which you'll see if you :type: click
on a pic,)
but if anybody wants an original 12 megapixel (1.4MB, 4000 x
3000 pixel)
version (for printing off,) again, just e-mail me...! :lol:

More later, I'm off to the laundromat...! :rolleyes:

Rick Pengilly
13th MOBI Intake
July'62 to July'74
HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Melbourne - HMAS Cerberus - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Lonsdale - HMAS Tarangau - HMAS Nirimba - HMAS Brisbane

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:38 pm 
Div. Officer
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Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:23 am
Posts: 189
City or Town: Callala Bay
State: NSW
Seejay wrote

".......and for those especially tragics amongst us, there will be a pre basin trial on Thursday arvo. 2 man down 2 man down

Rumour is that Shep's shouting......"

Well that only goes to show how ungrateful Seejay can be.
I shouted him a schooner all over his trousers and made him stand in the cool wind to dry off and he got all snaky with me.


Steve Shepherd
18th MOBI Intake
Jan 65 to Jan 78
Nirimba,Sydney,Vampire,Tarangau,Albatross, Stalwart,Creswell.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:03 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2003 6:16 am
Posts: 1998
City or Town: Cairns
State: QLD
Glad to see you got home in one piece, Charlie! We were a bit concerned as to whether you'd make it. :(

....and what Shep forgot to mention was that the schooner he knocked over in his inglorious rush to grope the young girls nearby was Howie's schooner!

Talk about freeze the patooties!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

But, no great problem, I dunked his toothbrush in the toilet... :wink:

Great time again guys, definitely a high point on my calendar every year. :thumbright: :thumbright:

Chris O'Keefe
Ex WO Chippy
19th MOBI Intake
July 65 to July 85
HMAS Nirimba X 4 -Penguin-Sydney-Queenborough - Creswell - Moreton - Stalwart - Platypus - Coonawarra Reconstruction Team 76 - Platypus - Hobart - Cerberus - FHQ - Coonawarra.

Anyone can be ordinary. Shipwrights choose to be extraordinary!

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